Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I thought I could get by, detaching myself from humanity
and praising You still
But it looks like
I was wrong.

I thought I could get by, reading Your Word each day
but still focusing on my worldly affairs
But it seems that
You're telling me
I was wrong.

Lord, I thought I could get by, sending short and quick prayers Your way
and settling for Your ambiguous answers
But it seems that
Prayers are meant to be answered specifically
And once again,
I was wrong.

I thought I could get by, smiling and laughing
but rarely taking the time to really listen to Your hurting people
But as I am realizing,
I was wrong.

I thought I could get by, sympathizing with the trials of people
But reluctant to experiencing my own so not to have to really experience empathy
It seems, however that
I was wrong.

Life isn't about just "YOU"
But about "YOUR people" too

Life really isn't reaching the goal
      But instead about the number of victories won

      The numberless mountains climbed and successfully conquered...
      The number of tears shed for your people...
      The number of  scars marked to remind us of the difficult journey....

I need to stop running away from these giants
But facing them
For when I reach my destination
I want my tears to count
and my thousands of testimonies written over these scars
Reminding me that YOU are still I AM
Watching over us...always.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Poem- One year anniversary of Ayiti

Although the original was written a couple years ago, I thought this poem still speaks as loudly as when it was written

Happy 207th, Haiti!
it's been 207 years
and i'm still trying to figure out what happened...

why is the freedom we've dreamed of
the liberty we've fought for
the brotherhood we've expected,
sealed with blood,
still not achieved?

how did the history we made
the promises said
disappeared so silently?

....and the beautiful trees that welcomed our loved ones...gone...
....the calm beaches that provided serenity and peace....polluted
....the breathtaking mountains that held our glories.....vanished..
....and now the place many used to call their homes....destroyed.
what happened to the rhythmic dances of our merchants going to the city?
the precious little children dressed in their uniforms going to school?
the 'blague' on the streets that kept us laughing
and the songs of peace that kept us going?

history is still in the making, Haiti
and though i'm angered to see the driving forces that are shading your legacy
and i'm saddened to see your structural limitations,
i will never forget you.

i'll never forget how you taught me to live.
never forget how you taught me to love.
i'll never forget how you defined friendships
 i'll never forget how you held respect
.never forget the freedom you gave me as a child
 forget the history you taught me? that's a never.
and  most importantly, i'll never forget how you taught me to love my God.

you're still in my heart with all my good memories glued inside
and no matter what happens, i'm still proud to call you one of my own.
every day is a struggle, but you make it anyway.
many are waiting to see you to give up, but you keep smiling amidst your pain.
they can laugh all they want and take all they want
but i know they can't take away your courage and strength.
thank you for still being here...and fighting.

happy 207th, Haiti!


Saturday, January 30, 2010


An email sent to me JUST NOW!!. Loved it :)

Latest  news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches.
They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin.
Their leader, Lucifer Bin Workin, trained these groups  to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.

However,  there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church. Unlike other  terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin  Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ to
 (However, you can spot them if you bin lookin and bin goin.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Red Light.

What we call life is simply a journey......................
A long journey filled with streets, dead ends, detours,
highways, and interstates,
of which my life so far has testified of thousands of streets,
couple of deadends, hundreds of detours, hundred more of highways
and a couple of interstates.

But recently I felt like I've encounted Red Light.
It came out of nowhere, and made its unexpected entrance.
Needless to say,  I reluctantly and coldly accepted it
Though I sincerely believed that it would not have bothered me so much had I ignored it, or had it kept its silence and left me alone,
But it seemed as if the more I tried to ignore it,
the louder it spoke...

I didn't know whether it was because I have never acknowledged its presence in the world
or simply that it was my first time dealing with it.
But whichever was the case, I did not like it.
I didn't like the fact it had the audacity to challenge me from every angle.
I didnt like the fact it had taken it  upon itself the honor of prolonging its presence
and most of all,
I didn't like the fact that I had to suddenly acknowledge it.

There were so many things I didn't like about Red Light.
Specifically the ability it had to steal my motivation,
Leaving me wondering where exactly I was in my journey and exactly what I was doing.

Leaving me with more frustration
than solutions.

But somehow, inthe midst of it all

That lack of motivation, or so.
Confusion, or the like.
I felt God's hands holding my own and walking along  by my side
I felt His presence and heard His whispers encouraging me to be still, and know that HE is God.

My human eyes were color blind.
Because when God gave me His prescribed glasses, I saw clearly.

Across my face, landed a smile...........
No no, it wasn't a Red Light after all.........simply a Yellow Light.
The ultimate decision, I realized then, was completely up to me - whether to press the gas or hit the brake.
Maybe I should have chosen the break option.........
buuuuttt nope.
On we go...........driving to the finish line

Though the journey is far from over, I worry not.
I won't grow tired , because
I plan to ride on the right side of the Driver....forever and always. :))
